Listen Up! We’re thrilled to be partnering with UrbanTalk to produce the #PIACongress24 podcast. Presented over 8 exclusive episodes, the UrbanTalk Podcast team will dive into the key themes of Congress, chatting with main participants and speakers.
Listeners will get a taste of what's to come this May in Melbourne/Naarm and get a behind-the-scenes look into a range of interesting ideas and experiences from leaders in the industry. Head below for the latest snippets from the most recently released episodes. Check back every regularly for the next episode!
Where can I listen?
The UrbanTalk podcast is available on all major podcast platforms.
Episode One:
In this episode, we speak with Matt Collins MPIA, CEO of Planning Institute of Australia, for a look into the current planning landscape in Australia, some staggering facts about the profession, the theme for Congress and more. Listen to a few snippets below by clicking on each topic.
To get people on board with new housing, we need good planning
What role should PIA play in Australia’s urban growth and development landscape?
What sort of study tours can delegates expect?
What topics will the 2024 PIA Congress cover?
Why was this theme selected for Congress?
Episode Two: (Part 1)
This second episode is split into two parts and focuses on the National Planning Awards. In this first part we speak with Megan Adair MPIA, a National Awards judge and the state awards convenor for Western Australia. She talks about how the awards are judged, what she loves about them and why they’re important for the planning profession.
How Does the Judging Process for the Planning Awards Work?
Episode Two: (Part 2)
This second episode is split into two parts and focuses on the National Planning Awards. In part two we speak with Banfu Yu MPIA, the 2023 Young Planner of the Year. She speaks about what it meant to win the award, why she loves planning, and the importance of having a mentor.
Episode Three:
In episode three we sit down with Ross Harding, Principal at Finding Infinity. He gives us some insights into how he has been ‘doing it differently’ through Finding Infinity’s well-known “A New Normal”, a $100 billion strategy to transform Melbourne into a self-sufficient city together with 15 architecture firms.
Episode Four
In episode four, we chat with Petra Hurtato, one of Planning Congress’ keynote speakers. As Chief Foresight and Knowledge Officer, Petra and her Foresight team keeps abreast of the changing trends and forces that can assist planners in remaining ahead of the curve and plan for the future.
The most unexpected trends in planning
The Foresight Program helps planners identify drivers of change
Episode Five:
In episode 5, we follow up on the last episode with the American Planning Association Foresight Program, and turn to discuss PIA’s own foresight program, which is set to be launched at #PIACongress24. Tune in to hear from PIA State Manager QLD & NT, Nicole Bennetts RPIA, and James White, Research & Strategic Knowledge Manager at Urbis, Jame White.
Is the planning profession already dead?
An Introduction to PIA's Foresight Program
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Please contact Karen Lock