The Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works supports every Queenslander to have access to a safe, secure and affordable home that meets their needs and enables participation in the social and economic life of our prosperous state. 

We are responsible for improving the planning framework to create thriving communities— to protect our uniquely Queensland lifestyle and greenspace as we grow, while also facilitating reasonable and moderate development that will provide homes for Queenslanders in the places they want to live and work. 

We need to provide more options for our workers who want to live closer to where they work, or for the downsizers who want to stay in suburb they know and love. 

While focussed on more homes – we want to make sure people can live affordably once they get into their home which means better integration with land use and infrastructure planning.

We are committed to working with all our stakeholders and partners to make sure that planning uncertainty or process is not holding up the creation of new homes across Queensland.

Gold Sponsor Spotlight

Q&A with Michelle Cottrell

A/Executive Director of Regional and Spatial Planning Division, DHLGPPW.

Q. What was the most challenging aspect of heading up the review of ShapingSEQ 2023, and what was the most rewarding?

A. The timeframes were incredibly challenging and within that balancing competing needs. It’s hard to believe that we actually did it. Which leads to the most rewarding – being the incredible team of people who worked tirelessly to get it done. The brightest, most dedicated team of people I’ve ever worked with, and who worked so well together!

Q. Do you think ShapingSEQ 2023 will make help address housing challenges in the region?

A. Planning is only one level in a very complex housing system, but I think we’ve gone further than ever before to make sure planning regulation is not standing in the way of housing delivery. We have the funding and mandate to set up a new implementation assurance framework, which if done well will help us to better understand how we can go further to create a more responsive housing system in the future. .

Q. What are you most excited about for the year ahead in the Regional and Spatial Planning team?

A. Updating regional plans across the State is a priority for this government and we have an opportunity to do things differently – creating a more dynamic and agile framework. In updating and implementing regional plans we can drive the systematic change that is desperately needed to keep pace with constantly evolving priorities – such as the current housing challenges. We have access o more data than ever before which enables us to be bolder and braver when providing advice and policy recommendations backed in by evidence.

Q. What do you think planning or regional planning will be like in 20-years?

A. I think there are a lot of efficiencies to be made. Planning needs to be faster. Find a way to be more responsive and agile to change, because the world we are planning for is changing at such a pace much faster than our systems traditionally have. This is across technology, climate, economy, and social factors. Planning must find a way to lead in this environment of rapid change. If it can’t, planning will become irrelevant, this change is something we as planners need to own and drive.

Q. What is one piece of advice you’d give to an emerging leader working in planning?

A. Planning can be a tough profession. It is broad and touches many facets with benefits often hard to quantify – like the impact of a particular policy on society and the people we are planning for. But it can be very rewarding at the same time. So, my advice is to stay true to your core values in how you operate and don’t give up.

Q. As well as being an amazing planner and leader, you are also a young mum, what piece of advice would you give to other young women or mums looking to return to the workforce?

A. There is no such thing as balance so do what makes you happy and everything else will follow. And be present where you are, whether that be at work, or with family and friends. Make it count.

Thank you Michelle


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