The Department of Planning and Environment serves the people of New South Wales by developing well-connected communities, preserving our environment, supporting our industries, and contributing to a strong economy. We focus on some of the biggest issues facing our state. We oversee our planning system to create places where people love to live, making way for homes, jobs and great public spaces helping to create the conditions for a prosperous state. We strive to be a high-performing, world-class public service organisation that celebrates and reflects the full diversity of the community we serve and seeks to embed Aboriginal cultural awareness and knowledge throughout the department. 

NSW Planning, part of the Department of Planning and Environment, is at the centre of the NSW planning system. We develop smart policy, assess the state’s most significant infrastructure projects, rezone land for more housing, jobs and recreation, coordinate with other government agencies and partner with councils, stakeholders and the community. We help design and create thriving communities, towns and cities for the people of this state. We work to ensure jobs, infrastructure and housing are delivered sustainably and with environmental protection front of mind. We respect the environment and the Country on which we operate and listen to our communities to solve problems. We make efficient, smart and fair planning decisions that balance economic, social and environmental factors. We are independent, reliable and accountable for the integrity of the planning system in NSW.

Gold Sponsor Spotlight

Q&A with Marcus Ray

NSW Planning is proud to be a gold sponsor of the 2023 Planning Institute of Australia National Congress to be held in Adelaide over three days in May.  

PIA recently sat down with Deputy Secretary, NSW Planning, Marcus Ray, to talk about the role of NSW Planning.

Q. How would you describe what NSW Planning does?

A. NSW Planning, which I lead, is part of the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. We sit at the centre of the NSW planning system. We develop smart policy, assess the state’s most significant infrastructure projects, rezone land for more housing, jobs and recreation. 

We help design and create thriving communities, towns and cities and work to ensure jobs, infrastructure and housing are delivered sustainably and with environmental protection front of mind. 

We respect the environment and the Country on which we operate and listen to our communities to solve problems. 

It’s our job to make efficient, smart and fair planning decisions that balance economic, social and environmental factors. NSW Planning is independent and we’re accountable for the integrity of the planning system in NSW.

Q. How would you describe your mission?

A.  Our mission is to run a responsive and efficient planning system. One that supports the delivery of diverse housing, infrastructure and major projects, and thriving, connected communities, by drawing on sound data, stakeholder expertise and community feedback. 

It‘s up to us to provide bold, confident and visionary strategy along with rigorous and fair evidence-based assessment and smart policy. By collaborating and partnering with stakeholders, we deliver quality economic, social and environmental outcomes that create resilient communities and great places.

Q. It’s been a busy time for NSW Planning what have been some recent accomplishments?

A. It sure has! Some recent achievements I can point to include the NSW Reconstruction Authority Bill passing through Parliament; the Agritourism Policy; and housing supply packages including Unblocking Homes and Rezoning Pathways. 

The Reconstruction Authority bill will enable the NSW Reconstruction Authority to be set up. This will ensure communities can be better prepared for and recover more quickly from the impact of flooding, fires, droughts and more. 

We have also made it easier for farmers to use their land for agritourism to complement their existing businesses. This includes running activities such as farm experiences, cellar doors, cafes, retreats, roadside stalls, fruit picking and hosting small weddings. 

Simplifying the planning rules will help landowners to add value to their existing agricultural operations and encourages the next generation to farm the land. 

These additional income opportunities will help make farms more resilient to the economic impacts of natural disasters and other unexpected events. 

With regards to Unblocking Homes, this $11.5 million initiative builds on our work with councils, industry, developers, and community providers, to create a faster, more efficient planning system. 

The program includes seven initiatives - 2 new and 5 ongoing:

  • Regional Housing Flying Squad (new and expanded) 
  • Expert assessment for prioritised housing projects (new) 
  • Planning Delivery Unit Regional Case Management and Planning Concierge 
  • Regionally Significant DA capacity building and faster assessments 
  • Local Housing Strategy Implementation 
  • Regional Housing Strategic Planning Fund 
  • Faster Local Assessment Grants. 

Unblocking Homes will help us deliver the right housing in the right location, with the right infrastructure. 

We have also been prioritising the finalisation of key rezonings in fast-growing areas to unlock tens of thousands of new homes across metropolitan and regional NSW. 

The Rezoning Pathways Program could see land rezoned over the next two years to pave the way for up to 70,000 new homes.

Q. And finally, what would say are your main priorities?

A. To continue to deliver a planning system that is strong, fair and quick. One that supports jobs and paves the way for more homes sooner. To create thriving, resilient communities and great places for people to live, work and enjoy.

Thank you Marcus

Camellia Rezoning Artist Impression

Riverwood Artist Impression


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